Table Explanation

Robert E. Matheson
Birth Indexes of 1890

Table Showing the Surnames in Ireland having Five Entries and upwards in the Birth Indexes of 1890, together with the Number in each Registration Province, and the Registration Counties in which these Names are principally found arranged according to the Number of the Names in each.

The Number of Entries opposite Names marked (*) includes varieties in spelling. The figures within brackets after the names denote the number returned according to the spelling here given. Names where the prefixes “Mac” and “O” have been dropped, are shown separately, in this Table, from those in which these prefixes have been retained.

Note.—The Estimated Number of Persons of each Surname in the Population can be ascertained by multiplying the Number of Entries in the Table by the Average Birth-rate, which for the Year 1890 is 1 in 44.8 persons.