Ballinamallard, County Fermanagh

From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

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Village, with Railway Station.
Has Post Office, with Money Order and Telegraph Departments.
Population, 283.

Main street—S. Lattimore, postmaster; assistant, Miss Gilmore;
John Doherty, Richard Crowe, James Stewart, Thomas Gilmore, A. Rinchie, J. Robinson, postmen

No. 1 National School—G. Coalter, principal; Mrs. Coalter, assistant
No. 2 National School—A. Knox, principal; Mrs. Knox, assistant
Dispensary—Doctor Aiken, medical officer
Reading Room—President, Rev. R. Blair, B.A.
Methodist Temperance Society—President, Rev. William Moore
Constabulary—Sergeant M'Inerherney
Archdale Memorial Hall—Hugh Gibson, caretaker

Church of Ireland—Rev. R. Blair, B.A.
Methodist Church—Rev. William Moore

Archdale, E. M., D.L., Riverside
Armstrong, Allen, Drumrainey
Armstrong, Alexander, grocer
Armstrong, George, Laragh
Armstrong, James, billposter
Armstrong, James, Currin
Armstrong, Samuel, R.D.C., Flowerdale
Armstrong, The Misses, dressmakers, The Row
Armstrong, William, boot merchant
Armstrong, William, fancy shop
Armstrong, William, The Cottage, Craghan
Ball, Joseph
Ball, William, Drumcullion
Beatty, Jerry, Flatfield
Beatty, Mrs. M.
Beatty, Mrs., Ferney House
Bernard, J., Magheracross House
Blair, Rev. R., Rectory
Brown, William J., R.D.C.
Brunt, David, publican
Burke, H. A., J.P., land agent, Drumkeen
Campbell, John, grocer and baker
Campbell, William
Campbell, William B., fancy shop
Coalter, Andrew, draper
Coalter Bros., grocers and general merchants
Coalter, George J., N.S.T.
Co-operative Dairy Society, Ltd., Bara road
—John Morrison, manager; West Creighton, assistant manager
Corrigan, John, saddlery establishment
Craig, Joseph, & Sons, saw mills
Creighton, John, carpenter
Creighton, John, publican
Creighton, R. H. T., publican
Creighton, Robert, egg merchant, Knockmanowl
Crozier, James, horse dealer, Dring
Crozier, R. A., hotel and posting establishment
Crozier, Thomas, Flowerdale
Crozier, Thomas, & Son, general merchants and funeral undertakers
Crozier, T. J., R.D.C., Riverside House
Crozier, William, corn and flax mills
Coa Auxiliary Company
Coa R.S.O.
Ditty, Miss, Main street
Doherty, John
Edwards, James, farrier
Edwards, Mrs., grocer
Edwards, Christopher, fancy shop, Coa
Edwards, Robert, bootmaker
Elliott, James, Killymitten
Elliott, James, Drumconnis
Elliott, William, Dunmurry
Emerson, Robert, grocer, Coa
Emerson, William, Coa Auxiliary manager
Fair, William, Drurnkeen
Flood, George, Drumkeen
Flood, George, civil bill officer
Flood, George, jun., egg merchant
Flood, George, senior
Gibson, Hugh, Bara road
Gill, Edward, ex-sergeant R.I.C., Bara rd.
Gilmore, Miss C., postal assistant
Gilmore, Mr.
Gilmore, Mrs., dispensary
Gilmore, Thomas, postman
Hamilton, I., temperance hotel
Hamilton, James, ex-sergeant R.I.C., Sydara house
Irvine, Geoffrey, land agent, Goblush
Irvine, Hamilton, hotelkeeper
Irvine, Major J. C., The Castle, Killadeas
Jennings, Thomas, tinsmith
Johnston, J., Councillor, R.D.C., Goblush
Johnston, William L., Currin
Kelly, Mrs., Drumsomies house
Law, Robert, blacksmith
Lendrum, G. C., D.L., Jamestown
Luke, John, landsteward, Rosford
Megahey, James, watchmaker
Moffitt, Herbert
Moffitt, John, publican
Moore, Rev. William, Methodist Manse
M'Cullough, James, J.P., Bara
M'Cusker, Andrew, landsteward
M'Donagh, A., creamery engineer
M'Lain, Henry, grocer
M'Maude, F. V., J.P., Prospect
O'Dogherty, Rev. W., P.P.
Patterson, Susan, fancy shop
Pomeroy, John A., J.P., St. Angelo
Richardson, Colonel, D.L., Rossfad
Robinson, George, Drumcreen
Rollestone, James, jeweller
Slator, Rev. W. J., Grove house
Stafford, John, Drumurry
Stewart, James, postman
Strong, William, Killyskerry
Stutt, William
Veitch, William, victualler
Verschoyle, Stuart, Tullycleagh
Watson, Alexander
Watson, James, carpenter
West, J. J., rate collector, Crock-na-Crieve
West, W. H., chief clerk Fermanagh County Council
Woods, Arthur
Woods, W., horse trainer

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