Dromore, County Down
From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910
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Seventeen and a half miles from Belfast.
A Market Town, with numerous factories and corn mills, the chief industry being linen.
Market days, Wednesday and Saturday.
Fair day, second Saturday in each month; half-yearly, 12th May and 10th October.
Weekly half-holiday, every Thursday.
Population, 2,800.
—Mrs. Mary C. M'Cleery, Postmistress.
Despatch—Week-days, 10-15 a.m., 1-0, 2-40, 5-40, 8-30 p.m.; Sundays, 8-30 p.m. Deliveries—Weekdays, 7-0, 11-5 a.m., and 5-55 p.m.; Sundays, 7 a.m.
Urban Council—George Castles, chairman; James Dickson, vice-chairman; Robert Watson, Thomas Ervine, W. J. Napeer, John Graham, John Alex. M'Master, James Dickson, Thomas V. L. Watson
Town Clerk—A. F. Wright
Urban School Attendance Committee meet in Town Hall on first Wednesday of each month—Chairman, Mr. J. P. M'Crea, J.P.; secretary, Samuel Stewart; attendance officer, Joseph Baird
Rural School Attendance Committee meet on first Wednesday each month in Petty Sessions Office—Chairman, J. P. M'Crea, Esq., J.P.; secretary, D. Duncan; attendance officer, James Kerr
Town Surveyor—W. W. Larmour; assistant county surveyor, R. D. Macoun, C.E., Hillsborough
Gas Company—Robert Marshall, manager; Robert Marshall, jun., secretary
Commissioners of Affidavits—John Watson, A. F. Wright, solicitor
The Cathedral—Bishop, Right Rev. Thomas Welland, D.D.; dean, Rev. R. S. O'Loughlin, D.D.;. prebendary, Rev. H. W. Lett, M.A.; archdeacon, Ven. E. D. Atkinson, LL.B.; treasurer, Canon Grierson, A.M.; chancellor, Rev. Canon Harding, M.A.; rector, Rev. W. J. Cooke, B.D.; curate, Rev. W. W. W. Scott, B.A.; organist, Miss Hamilton; sexton, George Faulkner
First Presbyterian Church—Rev. John Carson Greer
Second Presbyterian Church—Rev. James Rentoul, M.A.
Methodist Church—Rev. M. J. Lewis
Unitarian Church—Rev. Alfred Davison
Covenanting Church—Rev. Torrens Boyd
Roman Catholic Chapel—Rev. John O'Hare, P.P.; Rev. P. Fitzpatrick, curate
Church of Ireland—D. G. Loughrey, principalPresbyterian Church—William Ruddock and James M'Caw, B.A., principals
Roman Catholic—Timothy Revel, principal
Dromore Reading Room—Robert John Watson, secretary; William J. Hutchinson, treasurer
Dromore Intermediate School—Mrs. Johnston Cochrane, headmistress
Northern Banking Company, Church street—John Smith, manager; F. D. Agnew, cashier; Robert Aiken, clerk
Railway—The Great Northern Railway Company (Ireland)—James Irvine, station-master
Petty Sessions are held on fourth Tuesday of each month; magistrates attending—Thomas Harrison, J. R. Minnis, John E. Martin, John Johnston, Patrick Fitzgerald, T. D. Gibson, R.M.; George Brush, Francis M'Kee, M.D., William Cowan Heron, Robert Taylor, George M'Kittrick, James P. M'Crea. Districts Dromore and Dromara
Solicitors attending—John F. Mulligan, Belfast; F. W. M'Williams, Hugh Hayes, Lurgan; Messrs. Moorhead & Wood, Belfast; Robert B. Wallace. Solicitors resident—T. B. Wallace, Wm. Baxter, A. F. Wright, and Samuel M'Connell
District Inspector of Constabulary, W. H. Hussey; Sergeant, Wm. Verner; sum- mons server, Thomas Mackin
Process Server—James Haskins
West Down Unionist Association—Chairman, James Dickson; secretary, Alf. Fielding Wright, solicitor; treasurer, James H. Burns
Inspector of Weights and Measures—Sergeant Walker, Dromora
Relieving Officer—William J. Adams
Cowan Heron Hospital, Dromore—Honorary Medical Officers—Dr. Campbell, Dr. Cowden, Dr. Martin, Dr. M'Kee, Dr. Carlisle, Dr. A. G. Heron. Honorary Consulting Specialists—Diseases of Women and Children—Dr. John Campbell, Belfast; Eye, Ear, and Throat, Dr. Joseph Nelson, Belfast. Hon. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons—Dr. Henry O'Neill, Belfast; Dr. Beggs, Belfast; Sir William Whitla, Dr. St. George. Hon. Treasurer—J. R. Minniss, Esq., J.P., Mossvale house, Dromore. Hon. Secretary—T. B. Wallace, Regentville, Dromore. Secretary—R. J. Hunter, Banbridge road, Dromore. Matron—Miss M'Kittrick
Allen, David, spirit dealer
Ardery, Sam., The Central Hardware Store
Arlow, Mrs., milliner and dressmaker
Archibald, Samuel
Armstrong, Wm., jeweller
Bailie, Mrs., Dromore dining and refreshment rooms
Baird, John A., clerk
Baird, Joseph, clerk of markets
Barr, Samuel, compositor
BAXTER, W., B.A., R.U.I., Solicitor, The Square
M'Murray Bros.
Bell & Coulter, The Misses, milliners
Bennett, George, saddler
Bennett, Hawthorne, cycle agent
Bennett, Wm., saddler
Bigham, William J., tailor
Boal, Robert, grocer and insurance agent
Boyd, David, bootmaker and rural postman
Brown, John, agent for Inglis, Ltd.
Burns, James, spirt dealer
Burns, James H., contractor and builder
Campbell, The Misses, dress and mantle makers, Lower Mount street
Carlisle, S. B., M.D.
Carrothers, S.
Castles, George, boot and leather merchant.
Caulfield, John, grocer, provision, tea, wine and spirit merchant, and seed merchant and artificial manures, Market square
Chambers, Mrs. Jane, grocer, hardware, and spirit merchant
Clarke, Albert, architect:
Clarke, Agnes, spirit dealer
Clokey, Robert, bootmaker
Cowden, W. J., M.D., medical officer of health and registrar of births, marriages and deaths; dispensary
Craig, Ann, entertainment and greengrocer
Cull, Bernard, lodgings
DALE, JAMES, M.P.S.I., Chemist and Stationer, The Pharmacy, Dromore
Davidson, Samuel, baker and grocer
Dawson, Isaac, spirit dealer and posting establishment
Derby & Son, contractors, &c.
Doake, J. A., Percy lodge, factory manager
Dowie, Mrs., grocer and provision merchant
Dromore Hemstitching Co., Ltd.—James Dickson, manager
"Dromore Weekly Times and West Down Herald," Bridge street—R. J. Hunter, editor and proprietor
Dunbar & M'Master, grocers, &c.
Duncan, Charles, woollendraper and haberdasher
Duncan, David, fire and life insurance agent, commissioner of oaths
Ellison, John, carpenter and furniture dealer
Ervine, Thomas, grocer, &c.
Ervine, J., & Co., drapers and outfitters
Ferris, Thos., posting establishment, wine and spirit merchant, Wellington Hotel, Prince's street
Ferris, Thomas, Wellington Hotel
Fitzpatrick, Mrs., confectioner and tobacconist
Fitzsimmons, James, grocer and egg merchant
Fulton, James, reedmaker and confectioner
Fulton, Miss, confectioner
GRAHAM, JAMES, Painter and Glazier, Market Square
GRAHAM, JOHN, Builder and Contractor
Grant, Hugh, farrier and blacksmith
Griffin, W. H., chemist, The Medical Hall
Hale, Joseph, butcher
HALE, RICHARD J., & CO., Fleshers, Poulterers and Provision Merchants
Hamilton, John, hemstitching and veining factory, Otter lodge
Hamilton, John, sewing agent and finisher, Market square
Haskins, James, process server
Herron, David, woollendraper
Hilt, James, posting establishment
Hobart, Henry, architect, Lagan lodge
Huston, John, ex-sergeant R.I.C.
Hutchinson, Mrs., milliner
Hutchinson, Wm. James, factory manager
Jardine, Miss, Clanmurry
Jardine, Wm., & Co., hemstitchers and finishers
Jelly, Andrew, woollendraper and tailor
Johnston, Hugh, draper, &c.
Johnston, John, fowldealer
Jordan, Samuel, spirit dealer
Kennedy, The Misses, milliners
Kernaghan, Jacob, town porter
Kerr, Mrs., teacher of vocal and instrumental music
Kilpatrick, Samuel, hairdresser
Ledgett, James, victualler
Ledgett & Son, butchers
Lilly, Anthony, sheriff's officer
Loughrey, David G., N. S. teacher
Mackey, R. H., R.D.C., Ballaney
Magill, Fred., posting establishment
Magill, Joseph, bootmaker
Martin, John E., J.P., grocer
Martin, Joseph, grocer, &c.
Martin, Robert, The Grove
Mercer, Jas., woollendraper, Market square
Mercer, William Jas., draper, Bridge street
Minnis, Carley, Mossvale
Minnis, Edward
MINNIS, W. B., Linen Manufacturer
Minnis, John R., J.P., linen manufacturer
Monteith, H. E., law clerk and Press correspondent
Moore, Nathaniel, billposter
Morgan, Henry, bootmaker
Morrison, Anthony, grocer
Mulligan, John, Crown Hotel, and seed merchant
Murphy, John, coal merchant
M'Bride, Mrs., refreshments
M'Calister, George, boot and shoe merchant
McCarthy, James, mason and builder
M'Caw, James, B.A., school teacher
M'Clelland, W., mechanic and cycle agent, Market square
M'Clelland, William, cycle agent
M'Cleery, Mrs., postmistress
M'Clughan & Millveigh, sewing agents and finishers
M'Cormick, William, coal dealer
M'CREA, JAMES P., J.P., Select Family Grocer, Seed Merchant, and Funeral Director, Church Street
M'Dade, Elizabeth, spirit dealer
M'Dade, James, Gallows street
M' Dowell, J., spirit dealer
M'Fadden, Samuel, farrier and blacksmith
M'Geown, Joseph, boot and shoe maker
M'Grady, Patrick, grocer and spirit dealer
M'Ilwain, Richard, saddler and harness mkr
M'Kaig, Robert, tailor
M'Keag, John, tailor
M'Kee, Francis, M.B., J.P.
M'Nally, Alex., mechanic
M'Poland, John, tailor
M'Veigh, Hugh
Napier, William, Commercial hotel
Neeson, Patrick, grocer
Nelson, Joseph, pawnbroker and woollen-draper
Pantridge, Isaac, carpenter and coachbuilder
Parks, Joseph, barber and hairdresser
Parks, James, hairdresser and barber
Patterson, Thomas, boot and shoe maker
Poots, R. J., wholesale and retail grocer and
seed merchant, The Square
Porter, James, leather merchant, &c.
Preston, George, & Son, auctioneers, valuers, house and land agents
Sherrard, Andrew, butter and egg merchant
Smyth, Mrs., fancy goods dealer
Smyth, William, coal merchant
Smyth, William, V.S., M.R.C.V.S.
Spence, David, Mariville
SPENCE & CO., Hemstitchers
Stewart, James, grocer, &c.
Stewart, Robert
Stewart, Samuel, grocer
Thompson, James, hardware merchant
WALLACE, R. S., Hardware and Seed Merchant
WALLACE, T. B., Solicitor; Solicitor to the Dromore Urban Council and to the Dromore Gas Company, Church street
Ward, Josiah, spirit and wine merchant
Watson, Adam, grocer and provision dealer
Watson, Arthur, boot and leather merchant
Watson, Hugh, posting establishment
Watson, John, auctioneer, valuer, house and land agent, land surveyor, and commissioner for oaths
Watson, John, Bann Hill house
Watson, Robert, spirit merchant
Waugh, George, barrister-at-law, J.P., Scion hill
Wilkinson, J., bootmaker and leather merchant
Wilkinson, R., coachbuilder
Wilson, Margaret, dressmaker
Wilson, Miss, dressmaker
Wright, Alfred Fielding, solicitor, commission of oaths, Watson's villas
Young, Robert, practical watchmaker and jeweller
Young, Miss, confectioner
Agnew, Mrs., Coolsallogh
Alexander, John, Ballykeel
Armstrong, Henry, Coolsallogh and Post Office
Baxter, Charles, Clanmurray
Beck, Samuel, Ballysallogh
Bennett, James, Tulycairn house
Bingham, Mrs., Post Office, Ballysallogh
Campbell, James, Aughandunvarran
Coulter, Hamilton, Marabeg
Crookshanks, Wm., Ballyvicknakelly
Dale, Henry, Fortiscue, Blackskull
Davison, John S., Bullsbrook, Drumillar
Dennison, William J., Enogh
Dolloughan, S. J., Marabeg
English, Robert, Ballaney
Ferguison, James, Lake view, Growell
Fitzsimmons, Samuel, Quilley
Gibson, John, Drumbroneth
Graham, Robert, R.D.C., Tullyglush
Guiney, Hugh, Ballynaris
Hamilton, D., Orchard hill, Drumanocken
Hamilton, James, Grove hill
Henderson, A., Mount Ida
Hobart, George, Tully cottage
Hynds, John G., Drumskee
Jameson, Robert, Fair view
Johnston, John, J.P., Edenordinary
Kelly, Alexander, Tullendoney
Lavery, Thomas, farmer, Enfield, Ballykeel, Dromore
Mackey, R. H., R.D.C., Ballaney
Magee, James, Ballaney
Martin, Alexander, Backnamallogh
Martin, James, Ballymacormick
Martin, Mrs., Diamond view, Skeogh
Martin, William, Ballyvicknakelly
Martin, William John, The Wood
Mercer, George, Gallows street
Mercer, John, Ballynaris
Mercer, William John, Park view
Mills, Mrs., Ballynaris
Mills, Mrs., Drumbroneth
Moore, Hercules, Ballynaris
Moore, Misses, manufacturers and farmers, Ashfield house
Moorhead, William, Larch hill
Mulligan, David, Orchard hill
Murphy, Thomas, coal merchant, Church street, Dromore
M'Cartan, Michael, spirit merchant and farmer, Ballella
M'Clure, Alex. W., manufacturer and farmer, Edenteroory
Pantridge, Andrew, Backnamullagh
Patterson, John, Listullycurran
Poots, Mrs., Ballynaris
Poots, Robert, Magherabeg
Scott, Hugh, manufacturer, Blackskull
Shannon, Joseph, Edentrillick
Smith, Robert, Garvaghy
Sprott, Henry, Ednego
Strong, Joseph, Tullyglush
Taylor, Moses, Larch hill
Thompson, Robert, Listullycurran
Todd, George, manufacturer and farmer, Park Row house
Tweedy, Andrew, Backnamullagh
Vaughan, Rev. George H., Quilley house
Watson, Hugh, Ballyvicknakelly
Wilson, James, grocer, Blackskull
Wilson, William, grocer and spirit dealer, post office, Kinallen