Holywood, County Down

From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

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About four miles from Belfast city. Situated at the base of the Holywood Hills, and sloping to the edge of Belfast Lough stands the beautiful little town of Holywood. The Population numbers about 5,000, and the Poor-Law Valuation amounts to £14,174 14s. Mr. T. L. Corbett represents this part of County Down in Parliament. In no town in Ireland are the relations between all creeds and classes so amicable as in Holywood. All work together for the good of the town, and under the present happy condition of affairs there is no reason why the prosperity of the place should not go on, and thus render Holywood an ideal residential locality for the wealthy and well-to-do, as for the humble and honest working man. Powers have been obtained from Parliament for the construction of an electric tramway from Holywood to Belfast, by way of Upper Holywood and Belfast road.

POST OFFICE—Church street

—Mrs. M. D. Geddis, postmistress; Mr. Robt. Geddis, Miss Shannon, and Miss Carmichael, assistants; J. Emerson, A. Muckle, D. Malcolm, E. Boyce, J. M'Shane, J. Thompson, James Meneely, and B. Graham, postmen. Mails delivered through town at 7-10, 10-40 a.m., and 3-50 p.m.; despatches, 7-50, 10-45 a.m.. 2-45, 6-45, and 7-50 p.m. on weekdays; Sunday, 6-10 p.m.; also Express Delivery Office. Telegraph Office open from 7-0 a.m. to 8-0 p.m.; Sundays, 8-0 to 10-0 a.m.

R.I. Constabulary Barracks, High street—Sergeant Wm. J. M'Bride; Constables Heron, Fahy, and O'Neill

Fire Brigade Station—Captain Alex. M'Lelland, Churchview; hose and ladders kept at Town Hall

Coastguard Station, Marino—Boatman Oakes

Royal North of Ireland Yacht Club, Cultra—Patron, R. J. Kennedy, C.M.G., J.P., D.L.; vice-commodore, John Workman, J.P.; rere-commodore, H. Trevor Henderson; captain, J. C. Lepper; first officer, T. K. Greenfield, M.D.; second officer, A. D. Lemon, jun.; hon. secretary and treasurer, Robert E. Workman, 19 Bedford street, Belfast. Telephone No. 219

Stationmasters—Holywood, Robert M'Kee; Marino, Patrick Dowd; Cultra, Wm. Craig


Christian Brethren, Gospel Hall, High st.—Sunday, 12 noon and 7 p.m.

Brethren Mission Hall, Downshire road—Sunday, 12 noon and 7 p.m.

Parish Church, Holywood—Vicar, Rev. Canon Moore, M.A.; curate, Rev. R. H. White, B.A. Church services—Sunday, 11-30 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Wednesday, 8 p.m. Children's service on first Sunday of month, at 3 p.m. Holy Baptism is administered on the first Sunday of month, at 4 p.m., and on first Wednesday of month, at 7-30 p.m. Holy Communion is administered every Sunday, on first and third Sundays of month after morning prayer, on the other Sundays of month at 8 a.m. Sunday School—In Parochial School-rooms, at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Bible Classes—For Men on Thursday, at 8 p.m.; for Young Women, fortnightly, on Thursday at 8 p.m.; for Children, on Friday, at 3 p.m. Girls' Friendly Society meets fortnightly on Thursdays, at 7-30 p.m. Prayer Meeting—In Mission Room on Friday, at 8 p.m., and at Knocknagoney on third Monday of month, at 7 p.m. Missionary Prayer Union—A monthly meeting, in connection with the Gleaners' Union, in Parochial Hall, on first Monday of month. Temperance Society—Senior Branch, in Parochial Hall, on second Monday of month, at 8 p.m. Junior Branch, or Band of Hope, on last Monday of month, at 7 p.m. Provident and Clothing Club—Deposits received at the Parochial Hall, on Monday, from 3 to 4 p.m.

Holywood Catholic Church—Father Hassett, P.P.; Father M'Kenna, C.C. Hours of Service—Sundays, morning, 9-15 and 11-30 a.m.; evening, 7 p.m. Holidays, morning, 9 and 10-30 a.m.; evening, 7-30 p.m. Reading Room and Billiards—Open all day to members

First Presbyterian Church (Non-Subscribing), High street, founded 1704; present building erected 1849. Ministers from 1834—Charles James M'Alester (1834-1891), Clement Edwards Pike (1892-1898)

First Holywood (Bangor Road) Presbyterian Church—Minister, Rev. S. W. Chambers, B.A., The Manse. Sunday Services—-Morning, 11-30 o'clock; evening, 7 o'clock. Week-day service. Wednesday evening, 8 o'clock (winter months). Sabbath Schools—Morning, 10 o'clock; afternoon, 3-30 o'clock. Minister's Bible Class—Tuesday evening, 7-30 o'clock. Sexton—Mr. Wm. Patton, Church view

High Street Presbyterian Church—Minister, Rev. William J. Archer. Hours of service, 11-30 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Week-day service, Wednesday, 8 p.m.; The Young People's Guild, first and third Monday of month, 8 p.m.; Band of Hope and Temperance Meeting, occasionally. Office-bearers—Clerk of session, Mr. Wm. Rodman, Riverside; representative elder, 1907-1908, Mr. T. Frizelle; secretary of committee, Mr. Wm. Robinson, Woodview; treasurer, Mr. Wm. Shaw, Martello; honorary collector, Mr. J. A. Burnside; secretaries of guild, Miss Donnan, Church road, and Mr. R. Geddis, Post Office; treasurer of guild, Mr. F. W. Holloway, High st.; secretaries of Women's Association, Miss Morgan, Jubilee terrace, and Mrs. Shaw, Martello; superintendents of Sabbath School, Mr. G. H. Elliott, Bryndhu, and Mr. William Robinson, Woodview; sustentation fund, Mr. G. H. Elliott; organist and choir master, Mr. T. W. Harvey, Ardlee terrace; orphan society, Mrs. Hunter, Crofton; sexton, Mr. R. M'Call, High street

Methodist Church, Holywood—Minister, Rev. Stewart Smith. Sunday services— Morning, 11-30 a.m.; evening, 7 p.m.; Sunday school, 3-30 p.m.; Young Men's Bible Class, 3 p.m.; Young Women's Bible Class, 3-30 p.m.; C.E., Monday, 8 p.m.; Temperance meeting, first Monday each month; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m.


Sullivan Upper (Intermediate) School—-Principal, Adam Speers, B.Sc. (London)

Sullivan National Schools—Male school—Principal, Mr. Black; infant school, Miss Scott; female school, Miss Gardner, principal

Parochial National Schools—Male school— Principal, W. N. Gibson; female school, Miss E. Greer

National School (R.C.)—Principal, Charles Swiney; assistant, Miss Annie O'Neill

Select Schools, Church road—Miss Bosworthwick and the Misses Robinson. Martello terrace—Mrs. Hodge


Holywood Total Abstinence Society, founded 1842, by C. J. M'Alester—President, Rev. S. H. Mellone; treasurer, Miss M'Alester. Public meetings, second Tuesday in month from November to March, at 8 p.m. in schoolroom of First Presbyterian Church. Sunday School, 10 a.m—Bible Classes, Sunday afternoons 3-30, October to March. Boys' Wood-Carving Class and Girls' Sewing Class, weekly, October to March

Holywood Working Men's Club, Sullivan place—President, Thomas Barbour, Esq., J.P.; trustees—G. F. Trimble, Esq.; Dr. T. K. Greenfield, W. E. Praeger, Esq.; committee—D. Duff, E. Hill, D. Malcolm, R. Murphy, I. Millar, Wm. Newell, A. Page, S. Rea, H. Shannon, F. Towell, G. Watson, R. Williams; hon. secretary—William M'Call, Downshire road; hon. treasurer, Robert Magill, Spencer street

Ulster Rifle Association—Club House, Kinnegar, Holywood, Co. Down. Office-bearers, 1907-8—President, The Marquis of Dufferin and Ava; vice-presidents, The Duke of Abercorn, K.G.; The Marquis of Downshire, The Marquis of Londonderry, K.G.; The Earl of Shaftesbury, D.L.; The Right Hon. Earl Spencer, K.G.; The Earl of Crewe, Viscount Templetown, Lord Cloncurry, Lord Pirrie, LL.D., D.L.; Lord Arthur Hill, Sir James Henderson, M.A., D.L.; John Rogers, Esq., J.P.; Alex. Finlay, Esq.; Major General Commanding Belfast District, G. W. Wolff, Esq., M.P.; The President of Chamber of Commerce, Alfred Jaffe, Esq., J.P.; J. M'Carthy, Richard Barnett, Esq., M.D.; Captain Playfair, Sir Thomas Lipton, Bart.; F. W. Finlay, Esq., J.P.; C. C. Craig, Esq., M.P.; Captain Chichester; chairman, T. R. Walkington, Esq.; vice-chairman, W. T. Braithwaite; committee, F. W. Henry, T. Caldwell, R. Duncan, Alfred Wilson, F. C. Kerr, J. Marshall, E. Hunter, G. Crombie, W. Brewer, M. Coulter, R. L. Cruden, W. G. Kane; hon. secretary, J. Boyce, 29 India street, Belfast; hon. treasurer, Samuel Stephens, Donegall square North, Belfast; auditors, R. H. Kinahan, A. C. Browne; armourers, Joseph Braddell & Son, 21 Castle place, Belfast; optician, Sharman D. Neill, 22 Donegall place, Belfast

Holywood News Room, Town Hall—President, Richard Patterson, Esq., J.P.; committee, A. Anderson, J. B. Futtit, W. N. Gibson, G. Gilpin, S. Kinghan, Walter Smith, J. Beverland, W. Robinson, and F. W. Smyth; hon. secretary, Robert Geddis; hon. treasurer, R. Brown; hon. librarian, W. H. Weir; subscription, 6s per annum

Holywood Golf Club—President, Henry Harrison, Esq.; vice-presidents, Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, R. G. Dunville, Esq., D.L.; J. D. Dunville, Esq.; Edwin Hughes, Esq., J.P.; Colonel M'Cance, J.P.; Richd. Patterson, Esq., J.P.; trustees, T. Barbour, Esq.; H. L. Garrett, Esq.; council, J. Brady, W. Y. Chamberlain, R. M. Erskine, J. R. Love, R. E. M'Lean, James M'Lean, Frederick Payne, J. Pollock, J. S. Reade, R. A. Shekleton, W. Smyth, J. Stephens; captain, William Shaw; hon. treasurer, H. L. Garrett, St. Valentine's, Holywood; hon. secretary, G. F. Trimble, Church hill, Holywood; assistant secretary, W. H. Weir, Church view, Holywood; lady secretary, Miss V. Garrett, St. Valentine's, Holywood. (The above are the office-bearers for 1907-8.)

Dispensary, High street—W. D. Donnan, M.D., medical officer

Holywood Gas Co., Ltd.—Registered office, the Gas Works, Kinnegar; directors, David Johnston, M.D.; Alex. Finlay, J. Mitchell, J.P.; A. D. Lemon, J.P.; H. J. Neill, and Joseph Mitchell; secretary, Wm. H. Weir; engineer and manager, Thomas Frizelle; secretary and collector, William Weir. Directors meet first Monday in each month

Urban District Council—Messrs. J. Shanton, G. Murdoch, William Dunn, J. K. Stephens, Jonathan Jefferson, Gerald M'Amphill, Paxon Cowan; clerk to council, D. Bell

Holywood Gymnastic Club, Shore street—Hon. secretary, Thomas Henderson, Craigtara, Holywood; hon. treasurer, William Hunter, Marine parade, Holywood

Medical Hall, High street—J. S. Scott, M.P.S.I., proprietor

Medical Hall, Church street—Wm. M. Kennedy, M.P.S.I., proprietor, and Public Telephone Call Office No. 200

Northern Banking Co., Ltd., High street—Open daily—F. W. Smith, manager

Orange Institution—The brethren meet in the Orange Hall, Sullivan place, once every month. Holywood Purple Star L.O.L. 785, Holywood L.O.L. 1687, Holywood Royal Standard L.O.L. 1906

Petty Sessions District of Holywood—Court held in Town Hall second and fourth Mondays in each month at 11-30 a.m.; H. Barrett, clerk of petty sessions for districts of Holywood, Bangor and Newtownbreda

Telephone Exchange, 2 High street

Ulster Rifle Association—Range, The Kinnegar—President, The Marquis of Dufferin and Ava

Victoria Masonic Lodge 254, Masonic Hall, Sullivan place, 7-45 p.m.; R. A. Chapter 254, North Down Preceptory The Robert Wallace Masonic Lodge 146, Sullivan Place Masonic Hall

Estate Office—8 Shore street

« Hillsborough | Contents | Public Institutions etc. | Inhabitants A-L | M-Z | Ballymiscaw, Creighton's Green, Knocknagoney | Marino & Cultra | Irvinestown »