Limavady, County Derry

From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

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79 ¼ miles from Belfast. Market town, with linen weaving mills. Market days—Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Population, 2,692

POST OFFICE, Market street—There is also attached to the Post Office a Telegraph Office, Telephone Office, Money Order Office, and Savings Bank. Miss Naughton, Postmistress. Money Order Office and Savings Bank open from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. Telegraph Office open from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m.

Fire Hose Station, Alexander Memorial Hall—Caretaker, William May, Catherine street

Gas Works (property of Urban Council)—Manager, R. Gault

R. I. Constabulary—Joseph Smith, district-inspector; Richd. Flynn, head-constable

Magistrates—Sir F. G. Heygate, Bart.; Maurice M'Causland, J. O. Horner, W. C. Stevenson, J. D. Boyd, R. G. L. Ogilby, Henry Connell, C. M. Gage, S. M. Macrory, Major Boyle, M. B. Church, Samuel Cassidy, Thomas Oakey, and P. Mullan

Newsroom, Alexander Memorial Hall—R. Rogers, secretary

Urban Councillors—Samuel Cassidy, chairman; Major Boyle, J.P.; Samuel Bloomfield, Henry Connell, J.P.; R. Thorpe, Thomas Oakey, Andrew Neill Morrow, Robert Douglas, jun.; and J. D. Boyd, J.P., clerk

Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages—John W. Watson, M.D., Main street

Rural Council (18 Electoral Divisions)—John A. Long, chairman; 36 permanent representatives, 6 temporary representatives


Church of Ireland—Drumachose Parish Church—Rev. R. G. S. King, rector; Rev. S. R. Fleming, curate
Presbyterian Church—Drumachose—Rev. John M'Nutt.
First Limavady—Rev. William Browne. Second Limavady—Rev. John Heney
Methodist Church—Rev. G. Robinson
Brethren's Meeting Rooms, Main street—Various ministers
Reformed Presbyterian Church—Rev. Saml. Kennedy
Roman Catholic Church—Rev. Philip O'Doherty, Rev. Henry Boyle
Salvation Army Hall, Protestant street—11 a.m.; 3 and 7 p.m. Captain M'Arthur, Lieutenant Cock
Bank Agents—Northern, Catherine street, Herbert Moore, manager; T. E. Bennison, cashier. Belfast, Main street, John Thomas Simpson, manager; S. S. Robinson, cashier
Co-operative Dairy Society—Wm. Ashcroft, manager
Co-operative Poultry Society—Chas. Smyley, manager
Electric Light and Power Station, Largy mills—Mrs. J. E. Ritter, proprietress
Ogilby Trust National School—Mr. H. J. Phillips, principal
Protestant Street National School—Miss Cooper, principal
Ladies' School—Miss Cunningham, B.A., principal
Ladies' School—Miss Bryan, B.A., principal
St. Canice's National School—Mr. John Rea
Roe Mill National School—Mrs. O'Brien
National School, Irish Green—-Mr. James Mullan, teacher
National School, Main street—Mr. John Mullan, principal
Union Workhouse—Nineteen electoral divisions. Board meets on Mondays at 12 o'clock noon. Chairman, John A. Long, J.P., Culmore, Upper Limavady; master, J. Meekan; matron, Mrs. Meekan; agriculturist and porter, Thos. Mercer; superintendent nurse, Miss Gault; fever nurse, Miss Currie; infirmary nurse, Miss Lynd; medical officer, John W. Watson, M.D.; relieving officer, D. J. Donaghy; clerk and returning officer, S. H. Crawford. Chaplains—Church of Ireland, Rev. R. King; Presbyterian, Rev. William Browne; Roman Catholic, Rev. Henry Boyle
Masonic Lodges—St. Albans, No. 719—A. Campbell, secretary; Alexandra Lodge, No. 366—Hugh Henry, P.M., secretary


Alexander Arms Hotel, Main street—Proprietor, J. G. Sloan
Alcorn, George, boot and shoe maker, William street
Alcorn, R. W., grocer, Main street
Allison, T. M., P.L.G., Catherine street
Arthur, William, agent Anglo-American Oil Company, Ballyclose street
Ashcroft, William, manager Limavady Cooperative Dairy Society
Barber, Alexander, tailor, Main street
Barber, William, tailor, Artikelly
Barrie, Hugh T., produce merchant, Market street
Beasley, Gerald, Main street
Bloomfield, S., restaurant and general refreshments, Market street
Boon, Mrs., dressmaker, Main street
Boyd, Joseph, woollendraper, Market street and Elmfield house
Boyd, J., spirit dealer, Catherine street
Boyd, Joseph, brick and tile manufacturer, Tullyhoe
Boyd, W. Lowry, secretary Limavady Football Club, Ballyclose street
Boyle, E. M., F.G., solicitor, Main street and Gorteen
Boyle, Major Alexander, Bridge hill
Boyle, Miss, Killane house
Brewster, James, Excise officer, Catherine street
Brown, James, draper and stationer, Main street
Brown, Rev. M'A., D.D., LL.D., Fairy Fort
Browne, Rev. William, Catherine street
Bryson, Miss B., stationer, Market street
Bryson, Theobald M., surgeon, Bellarena
Callaghan, Samuel, butcher, Distillery road
Callaghan, Thomas, C.B.O. and Unionist agent, Irish Green street
Cassidy, Samuel, general merchant, Market street
Cather, Miss, The Hermitage
Christie, Daniel, hardware merchant, Main street
Church, M. B., Myroe P.O., Oatlands
Commercial Temperance Hotel, Main street—J. S. Shortt, proprietor
Connell, Henry, grocer, Main street
Connell, John, drapery, dressmaking, millinery, and gentlemen's outfitting, Main street
Conly, William, stationmaster, Station st.
Cooper, Mrs., Railway place
Cooke, Charles R. M., cycle agent, Main st
Crothers, J., sexton Church of Ireland, Limavady
Craig, Andrew, woollendraper, Market st.
Crawford, S., superintendent registrar of births, deaths, and marriages, the Union
Cummings & Co., bacon and ham curers, Linenhall street
Cummings, Miss, stationer and tobacconist
Cunningham, Mrs., laundry, William street
Cunningham, John, auctioneer, Main street
Dale, William, shoemaker & bicycle agent, Main street
Davis, John, grocer, Main street
Devlin, Mrs., dressmaker, Linenhall street
Devlin, Robert, watchmaker, Main street
Doherty, James, fowl and game dealer, Irish Green street
Doherty, John, pork store, Ballyclose street
Donaghy, David J., draper and relieving officer, Market street
Donaghy, James, spirit dealer, Market st
Doneghan, J., draper, Market street
Douglas, Edw., leather cutter, Catherine st
Douglas, Robert, guano and seed merchant, baker and grocer, Catherine street
Drennan, John W., farmer, Carsehall
Drennan, William, rate collector, Main st.
Dunn, James, farmer, Ballyspallin
Elder, James, car proprietor, Main street
Elder, Thomas P., town postman
Elder, Thomas, shoe warehouse, Main st.
Ferguson, Joseph, poulterer, Isle of Man st
Ferris, Thomas, poulterer, Catherine street
Ferris, Wm., fowl dealer
Fleming, Rev. S. R., Main street
Fleming, Samuel, carpenter and timber merchant, Main street
Fleming, Wm., farmer, Aughansillagh
Forde, Rev. Canon, Finlagin rectory
French, F. C. B., Greystone hall
Gage, C. M., Ballykelly
Gallagher, Charles, car proprietor, Market street
Gallagher, Joseph, grocer and spirit dealer, Ballyclose street
Gallagher, Rev. James, Largy
Gallagher, Wm. Jas., butcher, Market st.
Gardiner, Mrs., confectioner, Market st.
Gault, Joseph, grocer, Catherine street
Gault, Marshall, bicycle agent and repairer, Catherine street
Getty, Miss, dressmaker, Catherine street
Goold, The Misses, dressmakers, Railway place
Gogarty, Mrs., spirit merchant, Catherine street
Graham, Matthew, spirit merchant, Irish Green street
Graham, Miss, dressmaker, Irish Green st.
Gray, James, grocer and coal merchant, Catherine street
Guthrie, Robert, dairy, Sheephill
Gwynn, Hugh, grocer, Railway place
Gwynn, John, publican, Main street
Hamill, Charles, saddler, Linenhall street
Hamilton, David, & Co., coal and lime merchant, emigration and insurance agents, Market street
Hamilton, Miss, stationer. Main street
Hamilton, Miss, private boarding
Hanlon, Miss, Catherine street
Hanlon, Mrs., Shamrock house
Hargin, Thomas, barber, Linenhall street
Heaney, Joseph, hairdresser, Market street
Hegarty, Miss, spirit dealer, Market street
Henry & Connell, solicitors, Main street
Holmes, Robert, carpenter, Catherine st.
Horner, John, grocer and hardware merchant, Main street
Horner, William, solicitor, Main street
Houston, William, Tillydrum
Hubbard, W. Henry, spirit merchant, Main street
Hull, R. S., builder and contractor, Main street
Hunt, James, fowl dealer, Irish Green st.
Hunt, Wm.. carpenter, Irish Green street
Hyndman, Henry, baker and grocer, Main street
Irwin, Henry, woollendraper, Main street
Irwin, Miss, miller, Drummond
Irwin, Joseph, miller, Roe mill
Irwin, Wm., miller, Glen mills
Irvine, Miss, Drumrane cottage
Jackson, Miss, sec. Rosebank hockey club, Victoria house
Jackson, S. J., grocer, Main street
Jackson, Wm., grocer, Catherine street
Jackson, Mrs., woollendraper, Main street
Jackson & Co., coal merchants, Main street
Jamison, W., & Co., grocers, Catherine st.
Kane, James, cattle dealer, Irish Green st.
Kane, James, boot and shoemaker, Linenhall street
Kane, Robert, butcher, Market street
Kane, Mrs., dressmaker, Linenhall street
Kane, Patrick, tobacconist and refreshment rooms, Catherine street
Kane, Misses, milliners and drapers, Main street
Kelly, James, spirit dealer, Main street
Kelly, Edward, spirit dealer, Linenhall st.
King, Rev. R. G. S., Drumachose rectory
Kyle, J. C, veterinary surgeon, Main street
Lamb Brothers, drapers, Main street
Lancey, Miss, The Lodge
Lane, Benjamin, physician, Coroner for Barony of Kennaught, Main street
Lane, B. H., solicitor, Crown Solicitor, Co. Derry, Main street and Rushhall
Lane, B. H., & Co., solicitors, Main street
Lawson, G. W., grocer and druggist, Main street
Limavady Water Power Linen Company, weavers and spinners, Ballyclose street—S. B. Knox, manager
Long, John A., P.L.G., Culmore upper
Loghrey, Samuel, grocer, Market street
Louden, Arthur, secretary of Myroe Football Club, Myroe
Love, John, timber merchant
Love, Miss, dressmaker, Main street
Lowry, David, tailor, Main street
Lowry, Samuel, clerk of petty sessions and registrar of marriages, Catherine street and Whitechapel cottage
Lynch, Miss, haberdasher, Main street
Lynd, J. C. physician, Main street
Lynn, John, whitesmith and blacksmith, Ballyclose street
Macartney, Michael, spirit merchant, Catherine street
Macartney, Samuel, civil engineer, architect, town surveyor's offices, Market st.
Macrory, S. M., grain merchant and miller, Limavady and Ardmore
Magee, Charles, tailor, Market street
Magee, Miss, bonnetmaker, Catherine st.
Magee, William C, china and glass merchant and cooper, Catherine street
Martin, King, French, & Ingram, solicitors, Catherine street
Martin, William, saddler, Catherine street
Martin, R., coachbuilder, Main street
Marshall, R., & Sons, agricultural implement makers, St. John's Foundry
Maxwell, Miss, tea rooms, Linenhall street
May, William, sub-sanitary officer, Catherine street
Miller, Mrs. John, grain and seed merchant, Market street
Miller & Campbell, grocers, Market street
Moffatt & Donahy, woollendrapers, Main st
Monaghan, W., butcher, Market street
Moore, Herbert, manager Northern Bank
Moore, Matthew, gamedealer and fish merchant, Market street
Moore, Robert, plasterer, Catherine street
Moore, Samuel, tinsmith, Irish Green st.
Moore, Thomas, fruiterer, Linenhall street
Morrison, Robert, grocer and baker, Catherine street
Morrow, Andrew N., spirit dealer, Ballyclose street
Mullan, Denis, publican, Market street
Mullan, Hugh, spirit dealer, Linenhall st.
Mullan, John, spirit dealer, Market street
Mullan, John, jun., draper, Market street
Mullan, Michael, horsedealer, Irish Green street
M'Callion, Charles, pork store, Market st.
M'Caughey, Richard, nailer, Irish Green st
M'Caughey, Charles, nailer, Fleming's court
M'Cauley, Samuel, master carter, Main st.
M'Causland, M. M., D.L., J.P., Drenagh
M'Colgan, C. & J., bootmakers, Fleming's court
M'Connell, James, bootmaker, Market st.
M'Clary, Charles, spirit dealer, Main st.
M'Closkey, John, spirit dealer, Market st.
M'Closkey, Mrs. Sarah, spirit dealer, Market street
M'Collough, Miss, dressmaker, Irish Green street
M'Collough, Silas, baker, Irish Green st.
M'Cunn & Gillespie, builders, Irish Green street
M'Cunn, Samuel, sawmills, Tamlaght
M'Cunn, Thomas, dairy, Oystervale, Myroe
M'Dermott, Hugh, spirit dealer, Irish Green street
M'Ilwee, W. J., painter and decorator, wallpaper and artists' material warehouse, Catherine street
M'Gill, Henry, saddler, Linenhall street
M'Ginnis, James, C.B.O., Irish Green st.
M'Ginnis, James, blacksmith, Main street
M'Gowan, Miss, spirit dealer, Main street
M'Grath & Co., butchers, Catherine street
M'Grotty, Edward, poultry and fruit merchant, Linenhall street and Market st.
M'Grotty, Edward, jun., plasterer, Irish Green street
M'Grotty, George, restaurant, Linenhall st.
M'Laughlin, Bernard, spirit dealer, Catherine street
M'Laughlin, Daniel, solicitor, Main street
M'Laughlin, John, cattle dealer, Irish Green street
M'Laughlin, John, contractor and builder, Linenhall street
M'Laughlin, Mrs., milliner, Irish Green st.
M'Laughlin, J. E., plumber, Linenhall st.
M'Lenaghan, Jacob, boot merchant, Catherine street
M'Loughlin, John and Samuel, tailors, Irish Green street
Neely, James, tailor, Main street
Nelson, H. A., Spring hill
Oakey, Thomas, cattle dealer and produce merchant, Catherine street
Oliver, J., & Sons, brick and tile manufacturers, Derrybeg
Oliver, Henry J., P.L.G., Lislane
Oliver, Miss, grocer, Ballyclose street
Oliver, John, car proprietor, Catherine st.
Orr, Mrs. S., haberdasher, Market street
Orr, Rev. John, LL.D., Derrymore manse
Orr, Solomon, auctioneer and hearse owner, Market street
O'Brien, Mrs. John, haberdasher, Main st.
O'Brien, Thos., cattle dealer, Irish Green street
O'Brien & Co., butchers, Catherine street
O'Brien, John, butcher, Main street
O'Donohue, T. A., inland revenue officer, Main street
O'Kane Bros., hardware merchants, Market street
Patchell, John, farmer, Drumballydonaghy
Perry, Miss L. K., milliner, Market street
Predy, Thomas, photographer, printer, and stationer, Main street
Proctor, G. N., solicitor, Linenhall street
Proctor, J. E., solicitor, Main street
Purcell, William, Ballyclose street
Quinn, Charles, fowl-dealer, Derrybeg
Rankin, Thomas, antique dealer and marine store, Ballyclose street
Rankin, Joseph, stone-breaker, hay-baler, and threshing mill proprietor, Ballycrum
Rankin, Alex., electrical engineer, Largry mills
Robertson, Mrs., Dogleap
Robinson, Miss, stationer and fancy warehouse, Main street
Rogers, R., hardware merchant, plumber, and builder, Catherine street
Ross, J. R., M.D., Ballykelly
Scott, Robert, Ballyquin house
Scott, W. J., grocer and hardware merchant, Catherine street; deputy registrar marriages
Shannon, W., dairy, Bessbrook
Shannon, W. J., poor-rate collector, Main street
Shannon, Samuel, Derrybeg
Sherrard & Sons, auctioneers, Catherine st.
Sherrard, Connolly, spirit dealer, Catherine street
Sherrard, Joseph, auctioneer and spirit merchant, Catherine street
Simpson, John T., manager Belfast Bank, Main street
Simpson, William, blacksmith, Main street
Sloan, John G., Alexander Arms Hotel, Main street
Smith, Robert, watchmaker, Main street
Smith, John, spirit merchant, Market street
Smith, Robert, farmer, Magheramore
Stevenson, Mrs., grocer, Market street
Stewart, Miss, haberdasher, Main street
Stewart & Laird, drapers, Catherine street
Sunnyfield Laundry—J. Wray, proprietor
Thompson, A., & Co., spirit merchants and grocers, Catherine street
Thorpe, R. A., house agent, Keadyview house
Toland, Mrs., grocer, Main street
Walker, M. E., bookseller, stationer, newsagent, fancy warehouse, Linenhall st.
Walker, Robert, watchmaker, Market street
Watson, J. W., M.D., Main street; registrar of births, marriages, and deaths
Whittaker, Mrs., draper, Market street
Wilson, A., watchmaker, Main street
Wilson, John W., civil engineer, Main st.
Wilson, Mr., china and glass merchant
Wilson, Thomas H., town postman, Main street
Wilson, R. J., grocer and baker, Catherine street
Wilson, W. J., agent Refuge Assurance, Distillery cottage
Wray, James, contractor and builder, Catherine street
Wilson, T. G., agent Singer Machine Co.
Young, King, & Co., The Distillery, Limavady

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