Saint Aedan, Maedoc or Mogue

Aedan, Maedoc, or Mogue, Saint, was born about 560, on a small island in Brackley Lough, County of Cavan. He formed a youthful friendship with St. Laserian of Devenish, and was educated in Wales by St. David, by whom he was much loved. Upon his return to Ireland he settled in Wexford, where he established various monasteries. He lived chiefly at Ferns, on land granted to him by King Brandubh, through whose influence Ferns was constituted a see, and Aedan appointed its first bishop. He was noted for his benevolence and hospitality; and was patron saint of Hy Kinsellagh or Wexford. He died in 632, and was buried at Ferns. His festival is 31st January. He is generally known in the County of Wexford as St. Mogue.

Note from Addenda:

Aedan—Dr. Reeves places his birth in 555, and his death in 625.[233]


192. Irish Saints, Life of the: Rev. John O'Hanlon, vol. i. Dublin, N.D.

208. Lanigan, Dr., and Irish Wits and Worthies: William J. FitzPatrick, LL.D. Dublin, 1873. Lanigan, Rev. John, see No. 119.

233. Manuscript and Special Information, and Current Periodicals.