Sitric Silkiskegg
Sitric Silkiskegg (Silken-beard), one of the Norse Kings of Dublin, was in 994 driven from his seat by Ivar of Waterford; but next year he re-established his authority. After the battle of Glenmama, in 1000, he took refuge with the northern Irish chieftains, but was delivered by them to Brian Borumha, who reinstated him in the government of Dublin, and gave him his daughter in marriage. Sitric's sister, Maelmuire, was married to Malachy II. With the other Northmen he was defeated at Clontarf, but not long afterwards regained possession of Dublin. In 1018 he blinded Bran, son of the King of Leinster. Ten years later Sitric went on a pilgrimage to Borne. He died abroad in 1042, leaving his kingdom to his nephew. During his reign, the Danish bishopric of Dublin was created, and the foundations of Christ Church Cathedral were laid.
144. Gaedhil with the Gaill, Wars of the, or the Invasions of Ireland by the Danes: Rev. James H. Todd, D.D. (Master of the Rolls Series.) London, 1867.