Stephen White, D.D.

White, Stephen, D.D., a distinguished Irish Jesuit, who nourished in the 17th century, attained an advanced age, and was living in June 1645. Dr. Reeves says: "He it was who opened that rich mine of Irish literature on the Continent, which has ever since yielded such valuable returns, and still continues unexhausted; and by his disinterested exertions, less enterprising labourers at or nearer home, not only were made acquainted with the treasures preserved in foreign libraries, but from time to time received at his hands the substantial produce of his diligence, in the form of accurate copies of Irish manuscripts, accompanied by critical emendations and historical inquiries, amply sufficient to superadd to his credit as a painstaking scribe the distinction of a sound thinker and an erudite scholar. Abroad, as well as at home, his merits were acknowledged... He sought the honour of his country, not of himself; and was satisfied that the fruits of his labours, if only made to redound to the credit of loved Ireland, should pass into other hands, and under their names be employed in their several projects, and at their discretion. Thus, in the Benedictine library of Keysersheym, in Switzerland, he copied the life of St. Colman, the patron saint of Austria, for Hugh Ward. At the monastery of St. Magnus, in Ratisbon, he found the life of St. Erhard, of that city, and sent a transcript to Ussher. To this prelate, so opposed to him in matters of polemical controversy, he made acceptable communications regarding St. Brigid and St. Columba; and.. this literary generosity was duly felt... To Colgan he transmitted a life of St. Patrick which he copied from an ancient manuscript at Biburg, in Bavaria; from St. Magnus's, at Ratisbon, he sent him Ultan's Life of St. Brigid; and from Dilingen, as I have already observed, he sent him the text for the life of St. Columba. To his untiring generosity Fleming, also, was indebted for two contributions for his Collectanea of Columbanus's writings." Almost all that is known concerning Stephen White is contained in a paper read before the Royal Irish Academy by Dr. Reeves, in 1861.


233. Manuscript and Special Information, and Current Periodicals.