
From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

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"Belfast Evening Telegraph"—W. J. Campbell, manager—Orchard street
"Derry News," Pump street—Proprietor, J. M'Adams (weekly—Saturday)
"Derry People," Richmond street—Proprietors, N.W.I. Printing and Publishing Co. (weekly—Saturday)
"Journal," Shipquay street—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; Thomas M'Carter, proprietor; Wm. Roddy, editor
"Sentinel," Pump street—Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday; William Colhoun, proprietor; J. Charles Orr, editor
"Standard," Pump street—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; William Glendinning & Co., proprietors; A. R. Burns, editor


Bates, Mrs., Fountain street.
Boyle, James, Bishop street
Brown, John, Bishop street
Clements, Mrs., Shipquay street
Conaghan, E., Ferryquay gate
Crilly, Miss, Spencer street
Croom Misses M. and J., Waterloo place
Crossan, Neal, Bishop street Without
Eason & Son, Ltd., Midland Railway ter. terminus, Foyle road; Lough Swilly Station, Pennyburn
Forrester, J., Strand road
Flanagan, Miss, Magazine street
Gailey, William, Waterloo place
Gibbons, Mrs., Bishop street
Hamill, M., Bishop street
M'Caughey, Miss, Carlisle road
M'Cleary, Thomas, William street
M'Laughlin, Mrs., Bishop street
M'Sheffrey, J., Bishop street
Nicell, Thomas, Park avenue
Nutt, Mrs., Duke street
Shields, Miss, Foyle street
Spence, Miss, Lewis street, Rosemount
Watson, Mrs., Foyle road


Anglo-American Oil Co.—J. & R. Watson, agents—Foyle street
Craig, James, Chamberlain street
Foyle Ropework Co., Foyle street
Frizell, W. A., & Co., Waterloo place
Maxwell, Greer, & Co., Ltd., Foyle street
Mortimer, J., & Co., William street
M'Caul & Co., Ferryquay street
M'Laughlin & Allen, Waterloo place
Smyth, James, & Co., Bishop street
Smyth, R., & Co., Foyle street
Stewart, Donald, Duke street
Swann, W. J., & Co., Waterloo place
Thompson, Wm., & Co., Shipquay street


Baird, John, Linenhall street
Chambers, Wm., & Son, Pump street
Collins, P. & J., Wellington street
Jordan, Wm., Great James street
Kerr, W. M., Waterloo place
Maguire, P., Spencer road
Malley, Patrick, Great James street
M'Closkey, Wm., & Co., Stanley's walk
M'Cool, Charles, Shipquay place
M'Garry, J. G., Bishop street
Nelson, William, Great James street
Rooney, Patrick, Patrick street
Shannon, Andrew, Pump street
Thompson, J., Queen street
Thompson, William, Duke street


Canning, Francis, Long tower
Crossan, Mrs., Rossville street
Crossan & Barr, Rossville street
M'Cready, Thomas, & Son, William street
M'Fadden, B., Rossville street
M'Gonagle, Daniel, William street and Clooney terrace
M'Gonagle, Mrs., Bishop street and Fountain street


Floyd, R. R. A., 7 Pump street
Graham, W., & Co., Strand road
Harris, 35 Abercorn road
Macdonald, T., Clarendon street
Phillips, H. B., Beethoven House, Shipquay street
Tomb, James, & Son, Waterloo street


Biggers, Ltd., Foyle street
Buchanan Bros., Foyle street
Campbell Bros., North quay
Gallagher, William, Bishop street
Graham, T. D., Butcher street
Lecky, Henry, Foyle street
Mark, Roulston, & M'Laughlin, Foyle st.
Mitchell, James, Foyle road and John st.
Sterritt, E., Great James street


Adair, William, & Son, Bishop street
Anderson, William, Waterside
Doherty, James, Bishop street
Doherty, Robert, Henrietta street
Doran, J., Duke street
Ferguson, William, Foyle street
M'Ginnis, William, Duke street
M'Ilwaine, George, John street
Moorehead, A., Bond's hill
Neely, R., Magazine street
Roddy, Miss, Hotel, Bishop street
Scott, Mrs., Bond's hill
Whiteside, John, Henrietta street


(See also Lithographic and Copperplate Printers and Newspapers)
Chambers, Joseph, Newmarket street
Colhoun, William, "Sentinel," Pump st.
Emery & Son, Carlisle road
Gailey, William, Waterloo place
Glendinning, William, & Co., "Standard," Shipquay street
Irvine, David, Waterloo street
Kerr, Matthew, Foyle street
M'Carter, Thomas, "Journal," Shipquay st
O'Breslin & Co., Carlisle road
Starrett, Samuel, Duke street
Adams, Jane, Shipquay street
Allen, C. C, Linenhall street
Anderson, W. R., Waterloo place
Ash, John, Francis street
Barr, Hugh, Fahan street, Great James St., and Chamberlain street
Barr, William, Bishop street
Belfast and Northern Counties Railway Station Refreshment Rooms, Waterside
Boyle, Mary, Bishop street
Boyle, James, William street
Bradley, Charles, William street
Bradley, Constantine, William street
Bradley, D., Bond's hill and Spencer road
Bradley, Joseph, Stanley's walk
Bradley, M., Rossville street
Bradley, William, Spencer road
Breslin, John, Lecky road
Brolly, John, Fountain hill
Brown, James, William street
Bryson, Patrick, Bishop street
Cairns, P., Duke street
Callaghan, P., Rossville street
Campbell, Margery, Fountain street
Carlin, Bernard, Millar street
Carlin, J., Rossville street
Cole, Andrew, The Rock
Colhoun, Kate, Dungiven road
Colhoun, Kate, Spencer road
CONLAN, JANE, Foyle Street
Connor, Mary, Strand road
Coyle, Kate, Rossville street
Cresswell, John (S.G.), Duke street
Crossan, Neal (S.G.), Bishop street and Rossville street
Daly, Philip, Orchard street
Deehan, Elizabeth, William street
Deehan, Michael, Dungiven road
Devlin, Edward (S.G.), Strand road
Dinsmore, Jane, London street
Diven, Patrick, Nailor's row
Doherty, Bridget, Abbey street
Doherty, David, Long tower
Doherty, David, Waterloo street
Doherty, David, Lecky road
Dorrian, Maurice, Strand road
Dorrian, M., Victoria road
Downey, M., Bishop street
Duddy, R., Strand road
English, Catherine, The Rock
Fanning, Kate, Bishop street
Ferris, William, Foyle street
Fletcher, Samuel, Strand road
Foster, William, Society street
Frew, A., Ferryquay gate
Gallagher, Hugh, Lecky road
Gallagher, James, Rossville street
Gallagher, Michael, Butcher street
Gallavin, D., Bishop st. and Glendermot rd.
Gibson, John, Fahan street
Gibson, Mary, Hotel, Waterloo place
Gilliland, George K., Shipquay street
Gilmour William, Bishop street
Glass, Hannah, Waterloo street
Glenn, Robert, Lecky road
Great Northern Railway Station, Foyle rd
Grieve, William, Bishop street
Hamilton, C, Hotel, Waterside
Hargan, Mary J., Fountain street
Harrigan, John, Market street
Hart, Margaret, Linenhall street
Hegarty, Eliza, Foyle street
Herron, M., Spencer road
Hughes, R. B., Sackville street
Jackson, Samuel, Foyle road
Kelly, Ellen, Richmond street
Kelly, Mary J., Hotel, Guildhall Street
Kelly, William, Foyle street
Kerlin, Patrick, Rossville street
Kitson, John, Great James street
Lamb, Margaret, Linenhall street
Leslie, John, Clooney terrace
Leslie, Marshall, Duke street
Logue, Charles, Fountain street
Logue, James, Linenhall street
Long, Annie, Waterside
Macdonald, Miss, City Hotel, Foyle street
MacMillan, Alexander, Abbey street
Maginnis, James, Dungiven road
Magerr, Mary Jane, Bridge street
Martin, D., Rossville street
Midland Railway, Waterside
Miller, James, Bridge street
Mooney, Robert, Bridge street
Mooney, Samuel, Long tower
Moore, Margaret, Rossville street
Morrin, Mary, Foyle street
Morris, William, Strand road
Mulhern, M., Horse barrack row
Murray, William, Waterloo street
M'Aleaney, Anne, Lecky road
M'Cafferty, John, Ferguson street
M'Cafferty, John, Spencer road
M'Cafferty, Mar.y, Lecky road
M'Cafferty, Patrick, Creggan road
M'Callion, Patrick, Bishop street
M'Callion, Thomas, Foyle street
M'Cartney, Catherine, Bishop street
M'Cay, Daniel, Bishop street
M'Clintock, Andrew, Strand road
M'Closkey, Mary A., Kildaragh terrace
M'Closkey, Peter, Wellington street
M'Closkey, William, Foyle street
M'Connelogue, Thomas, Creggan street
M'Cool, Neal, Sackville street
M'Cool, William F., Shipquay place
M'Corry, Charles, Alma place
M'Daid, Kate, Lecky road
M'Daid, Richard, Holywell street
M'Devitt, James, Rossville street
M'Devitt, William, Bishop street
M'Gill, Patrick J., Great James street
M'Giniss, Edward, Bishop Street
M'Ginley, D., Waterloo street
M'Ginley, Patrick, Foyle street
M'Ginnis, Hugh, Bridge street
M'Ginness, William, Clooney road
M'Guinis, Charles, Duke street
M'Ilwaine, George, John street
M'Ilwaine, George, Bridge street
M'Ilwaine, George, Foyle road
M'Inroe, Bridget, Duke street
M'Intyre, Bernard, Bridge street
M'Ivor, John, Duke street
M'Kelvey, M. A., Rossville street
M'Knight, Susan, Park avenue
M'Kinney, John, Duke street
M'Laughlin, E., Orchard street
M'Laughlin, Ellen, Hawkins street
M'Laughlin, John, Joseph street
M'Laughlin, Michael, Bishop street
M'Monagle, John, Butcher street
M'Monagle, Patrick, Butcher street
M'Nally, C. (S.G.), Argyll street
M'Neal, George, Shipquay street
M'Nulty, Daniel, Foyle road
M'Vea, Mary, Strand road
Nesbitt, Samuel, Bishop street
Nicell, Patrick, Creggan road
Nicell, Thomas, Park avenue
O'Connor, Elizabeth, Creggan street
O'Connor, P., Bishop street
O'Doherty, Ellen, Bishop street
O'Doherty, E. H. (S.G.), Strand road
O'Donnell, John, Bishop street
O'Kane, Margaret, Elmwood terrace
O'Kane, Patrick, Foyle street
O'Kane, Patrick, Fahan street
O'Kane, Patrick, Lewis street
O'Kane, Patrick, Waterloo street
O'Kane, Patrick, William street
O'Kane, Patrick, 37 and 55 Foyle street
O'Kane, Sarah, Ferryquay gate
O'Neill, Charles, Cross street
O'Neill, Charles, Duke street
O'Neill, Charles, Guildhall street
Patton, James, Duke street
Quigley, Bernard, William street
Roddy, Ellen, Hotel, Bishop street
Rooney, Hugh, Rossville street
Salvo, E., Duke street
Selfridge, Sarah, Duke street
Sharkey, Hugh, Dungiven road
Smith, James, Duke street
Smith, W. J., Bishop st. and Brandywell rd
Stewart, Elizabeth, Duke street
Stewart, James, Strand road
Sweeney, Patrick, Foyle street
Todd, Mary F., Rossville street
Toye, James, Waterloo street
Tracy, Michael, Bishop street
Tracy, Michael, Waterloo street
Wadsworth, William, Duke street
Wallace, Jeannie, Magazine street


Anderson, William, & Co., Waterloo place
Ferris, William, Foyle street
Gilliland, S., & Son, Shipquay street
Glass, Charles, & Co., Waterloo street
Long, Annie, Spencer road
Maginnis, William, Duke street
Mooney, Robert, Bridge street
M'Clintock, Andrew, Strand road
M'Cool, William, Magazine street
M'Gill, Patrick, Great James street
M'Ginnis, Wm., Duke street
M'Monagle, P., Butcher street
Osborne & Patton, Shipquay street
O'Doherty, W. G., Bishop street
O'Kane, P., & Co., Foyle street
O'NEILL & M'HENRY, Guildhall Street
Watt, A. A., & Co., Shipquay street


Bonnor, T., Clooney terrace, Waterside
Divin, Patrick, Newmarket street
Holmes & Mullin, Waterloo place
Longwell, J., Great James street
M'Connell, John, Waterloo street
M'Cullough, W. L., Great James street
M'Donald, John, Foyle road
M'Kinney, P., Gt. James st. and Patrick st.
M'Laughlin, D., Spencer road
M'Laughlin, T., Fountain hill
Rosborough & Co., Ferryquay street
Sweeney, P., William street


Doherty, Denis, Bishop street
M'Carron, Neal, Bishop street


Craig, James, Chamberlain street
Foyle Ropeworks Co., Foyle street
M'Michael Bros., Sackville street
Swann, W. J., & Co., Waterloo street


Belfast S.S. Co., Queen's quay
Burns, G. & J., Glasgow, Abercorn quay
Corbett, T. H., agent for Lord Leitrim & Glasgow C.S.S. Co., Ltd.
Henderson Bros. (Anchor Line), Foyle st.; W. J. Hamilton, agent
Laird, A. A., & Co.—Wm. Phillips, agent
Moville Steamship Co.
Pinkerton & Co., Donegal Steamship Co.
Tomb, James (Beaver Line), Waterloo st
Turner, W. (Allan Line Royal Mail and State Line), Foyle street


Ballantine, Ltd., Strand
Cooke, J. & J., Strand road
Keys, R., & Co., Strand road


Austin & Co., Diamond
Ballard, William, Orchard street
Barr & M'Clements, Ferryquay gate
Brownlow, James, jun., Pump street
Brownlow & Co., Carlisle road
Carson, H., & Co., Ferryquay street
Connor, P., Butcher street
Cosgrove & Co., Bishop street
Coyle, Daniel, Orchard street
Craig, Andrew, & Co., Shipquay place
Crampsey, John, High street
Crawford, James, Spencer road
Curley, Francis, Post Office street
Gailey & Lamont, Strand road
Gallagher & Co., Pump street
Gillen, James, Chamberlain street
Hall, J. B., Shipquay street
Harrison & Harvey, Spencer road
Hill, J., & Co., Spencer road, Waterside
Huston, Wm., Wellington street
Irvine & Co., Ferryquay street
Marcus, D., Carlisle road
Mooney, Joseph M., & Co., Victoria road, Waterside
Moore, D., Long tower
Mulholland & Co., Ltd., Bishop street
M'Clay, Alex., Spencer road
M'Cafferty, Robert, Waterloo street
M'Cauley, D., Castle street
M'Cullough, S., & Co., Strand road
M'Devitt, M., & Co., Duke street
M'Glinchey, Charles, Spencer road
M'Kinley & Co., Diamond
M'Larnon & Co., Waterloo place
M'Laughlin, S., Fountain street
M'Lean, A., Ferryquay street
M'Taggart, P., Spencer road
M'Vicker, R. & A., Shipquay street
Owens, E., Shipquay street
Pollock, J. J., & Co., Ferryquay street
Riddles, Samuel, Distillery, Bray
Semple & Thompson, Ferryquay street
Stevenson, R. S. & T., Shipquay street
Walsh, Hugh, Diamond


Arthur & Co., Great James street
Atcheson, G. W., & Co., Artillery street
Bryce & Weston, Clarendon street
Carton, J. J., & Co., Rossville street
Cooke,. E., North Edward street
Doherty, E., Abercorn road
Gibson, Thomas, Rossville street
Grant, A. B., & Sons, Rosemont
Hogg & Mitchell, James street
Hodgson, Jack, & Co., Foyle street
Kennedy & Co., Great James street
Kilkie, George, Brandywell road
Laurie & Porter, Bishop street
Leinster Bros. & Staveacre, Bellevue avenue
Lloyd, Attrie, & Smith, Abercorn road
Mooney, D. A., Foyle street
Moore, William, & Co., Ltd., Bishop street
Moore, W. M., & Co., Fountain street
Muirhead, J. C., Orchard street
M'Intyre, Hogg, Marsh, & Co., Queen st
M'Ivor, E., & Co., John street
Nimmon, R., & Co., Strand road
Rainger, John, & Co., John street
Richards E., & Co., William street
Shields, John A., & Co., Society street
Sinclair, R., & Co., Abercorn road
Tillie & Henderson, Foyle road
Watson, A., North Edward street
Welch, Margetson, & Co., Carlisle road
Young & Rochester, Waterside


Abbey Foundry Co., William street
Brown, A., & Sons, Ltd., Foyle and Wellington Foundries, Foyle street
Coyle, John, Maiden's row
Craig, A. & G., Queen's quay
Elliott, James, Fountain hill
Friel, Henry, Edward street
Gillifillan, W. J., Clyde street
M'Elhinney, Thomas, Queen's quay
O'Neill, John, Lecky road


Bogle, S., Carlisle road
Boyle, J., Bishop gate
Conaghan, E., Ferryquay gate
Croom, Misses M. & J., Waterloo place
Clements, Mrs., Shipquay street
Darragh, S. M., Carlisle road
Doherty, John, Great James street
Edgar, Mrs., Carlisle road
Emery & Son, Carlisle road
Farren, M., Carlisle road
Forester, John, Ferryquay street and Strand road
Gailey, W., Waterloo place
Gibbons, Mrs., Bishop street
Graham, Wm., & Co., Strand road
Hamill, M., Bishop street
Hempton, James, & Co., Shipquay street
Hyndman & Co., Strand road
Irvine, David, Waterloo street
Montgomery, James, Carlisle road
M'Caughey, Miss, Carlisle road
M'Laughlin, W., Bishop street
M'Loughlin, Miss, Great James street
O'Breslin, C. J., William street
O'Breslin & O'Kane, Carlisle road
O'Kane, M. & G., William street
Shields, J. A., Foyle street


Allan Bros. (Allan Line), 50 Foyle street
Corbett, J., & Sons, Shipquay
Harrigan, North quay
Henderson Bros., 30 Foyle street
Morrison, S., & Co., Prince's quay
M'Devette & Donnell, Shipquay and Foyle streets
Pinkerton & Co., Queen's quay
Tomb, James, Waterloo street


Belfast Steamship Co. (Liverpool), Steamboat quay—H. O. Jackson, agent
Burns, G. & J., Steamboat quay
Corbett, T. H., agent for Lord Leitrim's and Coasting Co.'s steamers
Laird, A. A., & Co., Prince's quay
L. & Y. Railway, Queen's quay


Adams, John, Duke street
Andrews, James, Duke street
Johnston, Robert, Diamond
Kennedy, Andrew D., Foyle street
Murray, Thomas, Patrick street
M'Laughlin, John, Waterloo street
Reid, Robert C, Spencer road
Rodgers, H. K., Magazine street
Russell, R. H., Bishop street
Stutt, James, Sackville street


Dugan, H. E., Strand road
Kerr, Lang, & Jackson, Ltd., Strand road
Neely, M., Strand road
Sweeney, Patrick, Sir Edward Reid's market and William street
Thompson, W., & Co., Shipquay street


Doherty, Michael, Waterloo street
Frister & Rossman's—Elkin & Co., John st
Gallaher, Ritchie, Pump street
Risley, James, Clarendon street
Singer Manufacturing Co., Carlisle road


Craig, James, Chamberlain street
Foyle Ropeworks Co., Foyle street
M'Michael Bros., Sackville street
Swann, W. J., & Co., Waterloo street


Atcheson, George W., & Co., Artillery street
Arthur & Co., Great James street ,
Bryce & Weston, Clarendon street
Carton, J. J., & Co., Rossville street
Cooke, David, North Edward street
Doherty, Edward, Ebrington Factory, Abercorn road
Gibson, Thomas, Rossville street
Grant, A. B., & Son, Rosemount
Hodgson, Jack, & Co., Foyle street
Hogg & Mitchell, Great James street
Kennedy & Co., Great James street
Kilkie, George, Brandywell road
Lawry & Porter, Bishop street
Leinster Bros., & Staveacre, Bellevue Factory
Lloyd, Attrie, & Smith, Abescorn road
Mooney, D. A., & Co., Foyle street
Moore, N. M., & Co., Ltd., Bishop street
Muirhead, J. C, Orchard street
M'Intyre, Hogg, Marsh, & Co., Queen st.
M'Ivor, E., & Co. John street
Nimmon, R., & Co. Strand road
Rainger, J., & Co., John street
Richard, E., & Co., William street
Shields, J. A., & Co., Society street
Sinclair, Robert, & Co., Abercorn road
Tillie & Henderson, Foyle road
Watson, A., North Edward street
Welch, Margetson, & Co., Carlisle road.
Young & Rochester, Bond's field


Harper, James, Fountain hill and Duke st.


Ballantine, Joseph, Ltd., Strand road
Colhoun, Robert, Strand road
Cooke, J. & J., Strand road
Howatson, George, & Co. (coopers staves), Abercorn quay
Keys, R. & Co., Strand road
M'Cauley, D., King street


Bogle, S., Carlisle road
Breslin, Patrick, Ferryquay street
Baldrick, John, & Co., Foyle street and Diamond
Browne, John, Bishop street
Campbell, C., Duke street
Conaghan, E , Ferryquay street
Crilly, V., Spencer road
Doherty, Bernard, Strand road
Doherty, John, Great James street
Edgar, Miss, Carlisle road
Flanagan, M., Magazine street
Hamill, M., Bishop street
Kelly, William, Foyle street
Madden Bros., & Co., Foyle street and Strand road
M'Cann, B., Strand road
M'Dermott, Ellen, William street
O'Breslin, J., Carlisle road


Boyle, James, Bishop's gate
Burns, John, & Co., Bishop street
Cattley, Mrs., Carlisle road
Clements, Mrs., Shipquay street
Conaghan, E., Ferryquay gate
Cooke, J., & Co., Waterloo place
Croom, The Misses, Waterloo place
Doherty, William, Creggan street
Edgar, Miss, Carlisle road
Edmiston, Scott, & Co., Shipquay street
Farren, Michael, Well street terrace and William street
Flanagan, M., Magazine street
Fox, John, Dark lane
Frew, A., & Co., Carlisle road
Gailey William, Waterloo place
Hegarty, Mrs., D. M., Carlisle road
Hyndman & Co., Strand road
Mooney &Co., Strand
M'Cann, B., Strand road
M'Caughey, Miss, Carlisle road
M'Laughlin, James, William street
M'Laughlin, W., Bishop street
Nutt, Mrs., Duke street
Price, Hugh, & Co., Shipquay place
Scott, M. & M., Diamond
Shields, J. A., Foyle street
Smiley, T. & J., Strand road


Ballantine, Joseph, Ltd., Strand road
Cooke, J. & J., Strand road
M'Dermott Bros., Linenhall street
M'Donnell, Henry, Abercorn road
Miller & Beatty, Ltd., Bishop street


Bayer, Charles, & Co., Star Factory, Foyle road
Cassidy, Mrs., Carlisle road
Gibson, Thomas, Rossville street
Gordon & Co., Carlisle road
Hegarty, Mrs. D. M., Carlisle road
King, Miss M., Society street
Maclean, A., & Co., Grove place
Martin, D., & Co., Abercorn road
Muirhead, J. C, Orchard street
M'Ivor, E., & Co., Sackville street
Neill, Robert, Shipquay street
Parkinson & Co., Shipquay street
Richmond, Miss, The Diamond
Sharpe, Perrin, & Co., Horace street
Smith & Co., Shipquay street
Stewart, Miss, Great James street
Tillie & Henderson, Foyle road


Acheson, J., 37 Foyle street
Burns, John, & Co., Bishop street
Caldwell, S. E., Diamond
Cooke, John, & Co., Waterloo place
Cunningham Wm., Spencer road
Deane & Co., Shipquay street
Edmiston, Scott, & Co., Shipquay street
Faller, William, Strand road
Farren, Michael, Well street terrace and William street
Keane, R. C, Patrick street
Logue, Edward, Waterloo street
Miller, M., Spencer road
Minniece, E. A., Shipquay street
Menmuir, Robert, William street
M'Laughlin, J., William street
Nelis, John, & Co., Ferryquay street
Patterson, J. A., Shipquay street
Patterson, Robert, Shipquay street
Pickett & Co., Diamond
Scott, M. & M., Diamond
Smith, Thomas, Duke street
Wightman, A., Shipquay street


Avery, W. & T., Ltd., Sackville street
Pooley, Henry, & Son, Ltd., Foyle street


Anderson, W., & Co., Waterloo place
Black, R. J., & Co., Foyle street
Boal, D. W., & Co. Strand road
Elder, Robert, Duke street
Gilliland, S., & Sons, Shipquay street
Glass, C & Co., Waterloo street
Glenn & Hay, Richmond street
Hamilton, H. S., & Co., Foyle street
Holmes & Mullin, Ltd., Waterloo place
Hyndman & Smith, Bank place
Malseed, R. C., Duke street
Milne, G. G., Rosemount terrace
M'Cay, A., & Co., Ltd., Ferryquay street
M'Connell & Co., Foyle street
M'Cully, Thomas, Victoria road
M'Millan & Son, Ferryquay street
Osborne & Patton, Shipquay street
O'Doherty, W. G., Bishop street and Strand road
O'Neill & M'Henry, Guildhall street
Rankin, Knox, & Co., Foyle street
Rosborough & Co., Ferryquay street
Roulston & Smyth, Strand road, William street and Lecky road
Smyth, James, & Co., Bishop street


Anderson, William, & Co., Waterloo place
Black, Alexander, & Co., Strand
Chambers, H., & Co. Foyle street
Ferris, William,, Foyle street
Gilbey, W. & A., Shipquay street
Gilliland, S., & Sons, Shipquay street
Glass & Co., Waterloo street
Linenhall Wine and Spirt Store
Maurice, William, Strand road
M'Cool, Wm., Magazine street, William street, Strand road, and Foyle street
O'Doherty, W. G., Bishop street
M'Gill, P., Great James street
M'Ginnis, Wm., Duke street and Ebrington terrace
O'Kane, P., Foyle street
O'Neill & M'Henry, Guildhall street
Osborne & Patton, Shipquay street
Wallace, J., Magazine street
Watt, A. A., & Co., Shipquay street


Austin & Co., Ferryquay st. and Diamond
Barr & M'Clements, Ferryquay street
Brownlow, James, Pump street
Brownlow & Co., Carlisle road
Byrne, A., Butcher street
Carse, H., & Co., Ferryquay street
Connor, P., Butcher street
Cooper, J. D., Ferryquay street
Cooper, Mrs., Diamond
Cosgrove & Co., Bishop street
Craig, Andrew, & Co., Shipquay place
Doherty, Daniel, Butcher street
Dunlop, J.. H., & Son, Carlisle road
Foster & Co., Bishop street
Gailey & Lamont, Strand road
Gordon & Co., Carlisle road
Graham & Co., Carlisle road
Hall, J. B., Shipquay street
Hegarty, The Misses, Butcher street
Henry, A., Waterloo street
Henry, Miss, Diamond
Hill, J., & Co., Spencer road
Hyndman, S., Ferryquay street
Irvine & Co., Ferryquay street
Marcus, D., Carlisle road
Mooney, J. M., Victoria road
Moore, David, Duke street
Mulholland & Co., Ltd., Bishop street
M'Cay, James, Duke street
M'Closkey, P., Duke street
M'Cullough, S., & Co., Strand road
M'Devitt, M., & Co., Waterside
M'Donald, J., Duke street
M'Kinley & Co. Diamond
M'Larnon, A., & Co., Waterloo place
M'Swiggin, P., Richmond street
M'Veigh, John, Strand road
M'Veigh, Thomas, Butcher street
M'Vicar, R. & A., Shipquay street
M'Williams, John, & Co., Spencer road
Neill, Robert, Shipquay street
Parkhill & Co., Ferryquay street
Parkinson & Co., Shipquay street
Pollock, J. J., & Co., Ferryquay street
Rodgers & Co., Diamond
Semple & Thompson, Ferryquay street
Smith & Co., Shipquay street
Stevenson, John, Duke street
Stevenson, R. S. & T., Shipquay street
Thompson, R., Strand road
Walsh, Hugh, Diamond
Watson, George, & Co., Spencer road

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